An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

The Prey

The Prey - Andrew Fukuda

I'm only 80-something pages into this book, but it's really hard to stop reading. I'll write an actual review once I'm finished. 


Also, how many covers are there for this one series? I like one of the covers because there's a close up of Gene's face and the model looks like a MoC (man of color), but in the rest he looks either ambiguously ethnic or just plain white. I don't think it's whitewashing, unless his race is explicitly stated in The Prey or the third book (The Trap?), but it's still disappointing. 


The review: This book read very quickly. Once I hit the action, I couldn't put it down. Like The Hunt, it is very graphic (visceral, grotesque descriptions), like, things I imagine wouldn't be out of place in a zombie novel rather than a vampire novel. I've also given up trying to figure out this world. It's history is explained a lot in this book, but even then there's a lot that doesn't make a ton of sense. At this point I'm just going with it.


I have to skip the grosser sections, but overall I'm enjoying this series. It's not a super popular one, so I have no idea where it's going or how it's going to end. I wish there were more female characters, but so far it's doing well on the Star Wars test. This novel ended pretty satisfactorily (one mystery is revealed) while still leaving me wanting more and with a lot of questions for the third book.


I can't wait to see how it ends!