An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

Library Books Readathon

Day 8

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I haven't been keeping up with my updates, but I have been keeping up with my reading. I finished two books today: Bird by Crystal Chan and An Ocean Apart, A World Away by Lensey Namioka. I checked out six books on Saturday, read three of them, gave up on one and haven't started two. I have one other book out from the library that I didn't start yet either. So that's three books total that I didn't get to. So I didn't meet my goal to read all my library books this week, but I came pretty darn close.


The three books I read on Saturday were The Boy of a Thousand Faces by Brian Selznick, The Houdini Box by Brian Selznick and The Eternal Smile by Gene Luen Yang. And on Friday I finished Ties that Bind, Ties that Break by Lensey Namioka.


Even though I didn't participate too much online (Father' Day, the World Cup and work all caught up with me), I definitely had fun doing this readathon. Thanks for hosting, Rachael!



Books read: 11

Pages read: 2599

DNF: 3

Returned without reading: 1


Rachael's blog

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1