An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

The Great Wall of Lucy Wu

The Great Wall Of Lucy Wu - Wendy Wan-Long Shang

It took me a while to get into this book. Lucy is definitely a brat at the beginning and the rivalry between Lucy and Sloane doesn't feel dangerous until about halfway through the story. But once everything starts falling in place, it's so good.


I definitely related to Lucy, and this book includes some of the best written basketball I've ever read (except for one incorrect use of the term air ball). There is a little disparagement of all things girly/pink, but not too much. I appreciated all the translations of the Chinese dialogue (since my own understanding of Chinese is very, very limited) and I think it works since Lucy is also very removed from her Chinese heritage. Sometimes it felt strange when she was translating phrases she clearly understood, but it helped me as a reader to understand the story (I'm not sure if that would be annoying to any Chinese speakers though).


There were discussions of what it means to be Chinese American (nothing too explicit/didactic) and some causal racism/microaggressions that were handled in a realistic way.


I also love the way Shang handled the tension between Lucy and Yi Po. It wasn't a linear progression, but one that felt natural and ended in a sad yet satisfying way.


The Great Wall of Lucy Wu is a well-written, all together enjoyable MG read. Check it out.