This book was too long. Seriously. Also Rick Riordan obviously never watched Charmed.
The references in this book were less obvious than in Percy Jackson and the Olympians but that might just be because I'd read those before and I was coming to this series fresh.
Also, this series needs some good Asian characters. Before I started Son of Neptune I actually googled Asian characters of Rick Riordan's because I needed reassurance some were coming... I was not disappointed and that's pretty much the reason I kept with the series. I mean, before Frank the best we had was Annabeth's stepmom who's in the series for all of two seconds.
The Lost Hero continues with this whole "too much" makeup/people who wear makeup are shallow/natural beauty is best bs idea. I'm still not a fan of that.
But I'm glad Riordan finally addresses the use of "half-blood" in the series (forgot to mention that in my PJO reviews... oops).
I also have a lot of thoughts about Piper's dad and his Hollywood career, but they're not organized in my head yet.