An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

The Titan's Curse

The Titan's Curse  - Rick Riordan

Wow, I forgot basically everything that happens in this series, but the rereading was great because it was almost like reading it for the first time.


I enjoyed this one so much. It's probably my favorite this time around. I love the Hunters, and the story really starts ramping up. I love all these characters so much parts made me cry.


Also, Mr D is definitely Paul Giamatti’s character from Sideways, yes? I mean, he's excited about Pinot Noir making a comeback and going to stuff someone in a bottle of Merlot…

And thank you Rick Riordan for saying that freeze dried astronaut food is gross. Everyone I know says they loved the stuff as a kid, but it’s actually disgusting.

Onto my favorite from last time!