An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

Bone: Coda

BONE: CODA 25th Anniversary Special - Jeff Smith, Stephen Weiner

I had no idea what this book was when I placed it on hold. I just saw another hold copy and knew I needed to check it out since I'm reading my way through Bone this month.


If you're looking for more information on comic book publishing history and how Bone fits into that then this book is for you. I wasn't really feeling it, so I stopped reading after Jeff Smith's part (the end of Part I). It is interesting how much comics have changed in the last 25 years.


I did enjoy the comic at the beginning. If you enjoyed the series and want more of the Bone cousins it's probably worth checking Coda out from your local library to read that story.


Also, this is my first DNF of the year (according to my spreadsheet). That's pretty good for me.