An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

The Ellimist Chronicles

The Ellimist Chronicles - Katherine Applegate

I have to say this book surprised me. I was even kind of surprised by my desire to rate it four stars, but I do think it's a four star book.


The world building is clear but never overexplained. Applegate avoids info dumps throughout the entire book.


This is not necessarily a story necessary to understanding the Animorphs, but it does provide interesting history.


Spoilery discussion under the cut.

Maybe one of the most interesting bits is the frame. Rereading it the series is clearly building towards Jake being the Animorph who will die in this war. And this book makes it clear that it's either him or Rachel (one not chosen and all that). I wish I could go back to the beginning and read the books completely fresh, because I'd like to know my reaction to the death (I accidentally spoiled it for myself during my first read through of the series...).


I know people say you don't need to read The Ellimist Chronicles or that you can save it for the end, and that's technically correct as it has very little to no bearing on the main series, but I think it's interesting to read it as it was published, coming between a Jake and a Rachel book.