An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

The Visitor

The Visitor - Katherine Applegate

This book brings up the question of what changes and what doesn't when morphing. Injuries are healed but hair length stays the same. The morphing rules are (mostly) logical, but I'm not sure how KA Applegate decided on them.*


I love the Tolkien reference. All the physical descriptions are kind of funny though. Like Cassie only weighs 80 pounds and Rachel is tall but mentions being 5' and wearing a size 6 shoe (that's my height/shoe size and I have never been considered tall). I think the Animorphs are supposed to be around 13/14 at the start of the series, so this could just be a KASU and Rachel is actually taller (with very small feet?).


Also the phrase "sent me a private message" reads so differently than it did back in the 90s.


Possibly spoilery vague remeberances under the cut


*I seem to recall something about parts of the Animorphs being sent into Z-Space while they're in morph... which might have something to do with why their hair length etc. doesn't change but injuries are healed when demorphing. Like putting their bodies into storage rather than rebuliding them from scratch every time they morph/demorph.