An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge


Catching Fire

Catching Fire - Suzanne  Collins

I remember Catching Fire annoying me the first two times I read it, but this time around I just went with the story and it ended up being pretty enjoyable.


The lack of teenagers killing each other is A+. There's still some violence but it's not as graphic as in The Hunger Games. All the wounds are pretty easy to deal with. All the deaths go pretty quickly.


It's OK according to the Star Wars test. The revelations are all jammed into the end of the book by necessity so it does feel a little rushed going into the ending. There is some character growth, and everyone is definitely in a worse position than when the book started.


The political game Katniss and President Snow are playing convinced me more than it did on other readings. We'll see how I feel about this one after I reread Mockingjay though.