An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge


Codex - Lev Grossman

Neither well-written enough or intriguing enough to finish. Grossman actually resorts to having his protagonist catch sight of himself in the mirror so he can describe his (probably very average, but I wouldn't know because this damn book is so full of useless descriptions that I was exhausted of them by the time I got to this part which is only like page 12 of the book) appearance.*


No seriously, the book is so full of useless descriptions why do I need an entire run down of everything in the front sitting room of Laura what's her name's apartment, oh I don't.


Also why does she say everyone was on the run from the Huns during WWII? Pretty sure it was the Nazis the Brits were worried about.


I've tried two Grossman novels in the past week or so and let's just say he's not an author for me.


*I thought this was a trope reserved for bad dystopian YA novels.