An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge

Tiny Beautiful Things

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar - Cheryl Strayed

A great book to end the year with. A lot of these letters are very heavy and I found it too much to read very quickly this time around. But I really like Strayed's advice. She manages to be realistic and reassuring at the same time.


Strayed says it best herself: "I’m not so much telling people what to do in my columns as I am attempting to either present a perspective that might be difficult for those who write to me to see on their own or to more complexly hash out the either/or options that the letter writer has posed. I think the answer to most problems is more often than not outside of the right/wrong binary that we tend to cling to when we’re angry or scared or in pain. We are complicated people. Our lives do not play out in absolutes."