An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge


Boxers - Gene Luen Yang

So much misogyny. I don't know if I just didn't notice the first time around or if I noticed but was too caught up in the story/history to care. This review by Wendy Xu goes through all the worst bits.


I wanted to like all the female characters, but they really just end up being props in Bao's story. I mean, Mei-Wen could have had her own book written about her and the Red Lanterns but she's sidelined in Boxer. And does anyone believe that she'd be into Bao after the way he leaves her in the village? Come on.


I think you're supposed to read Saints second, but as long as you read the epilogue as occurring after the events of both books you can understand the story reading the books in either order.


This is a piece of history that definitely deserves to be better known, and I think what Yang attempts is really interesting. But I can't really forgive the treatment of the female characters in the story.