This book had that same problem the other two did of little bits of dialogue that pulled me out of the story (specifically when Anden starts 'spilling' the story to Day... or something like that).
I also found all the quote marks when Thomas was telling June the story of the night he killed Metias very distracting. The whole thing could have been written as a story (rather than entirely as dialogue) and put in italics or something (some writing tricks are popular because they just work best).
I want to like these books. They’re well-written. The characters are interesting. I like that they tackle classism, but in the end I just can’t get into this series. Rather than force myself to finish, I gave up after 100 pages (and reading a summary of the rest of the book, I think I made the right choice).
Apparently there's a prequel, but I'll be skipping that too.